Contentbox headline
Current owner
Outfit Player name Level Guild name Guild level Logo
It looks like the castle stills without an owner.

Basic Information
[*] Any player can join the event. You do not need to be inside a guild.
[*] Loot and experience will not be lost by diying inside the arena.
[*] The one that got more points must be online to win.
[*] If no one wins the castle, it will stay without an owner until the next time.
[*] Points can be earned by standing over the red throne.
Everyday 21:00
Quelibra Castle (until the next time)
15 bars of gold*
Creature of the Day Boss of the Day Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box

Buy Epic Decoration!

Top 5 Experience

1 - Dekena
   Level: (1501)
2 - Ed Test
   Level: (1111)
   Elder Druid
3 - Enano
   Level: (1009)
   Elite Knight
4 - Slash
   Level: (1008)
   Royal Paladin
5 - Sorcerer
   Level: (1008)