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Donating with Tibia Coins
How to:
[*]Send your coins to: OTServ Bank
[*] Send an e-mail with your character name (the character that sent the coins) to:
[*] The process is manually and can take a time. Please, don't you worry.
50 coins on global 80 coins on otserv
100 coins on global 160 coins on otserv
250 coins on global 420 coins on otserv

Creature of the Day Boss of the Day Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box

Use XP Boosts!

Top 5 Experience

1 - Dekena
   Level: (1501)
2 - Ed Test
   Level: (1111)
   Elder Druid
3 - Enano
   Level: (1009)
   Elite Knight
4 - Slash
   Level: (1008)
   Royal Paladin
5 - Sorcerer
   Level: (1008)